TWOROCKS OU is a reputable iGaming SEO Agency with expertise in developing outstanding iGaming SEO strategies that will help you achieve your business goals. We offer top-notch SEO Service and LinkBuilding with large multi GEO inventory.

Contact Info
[email protected] Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Tartu mnt 67/1-13b, 10115, Estonia


Following the 2017 European Union Legislation about the Security of Personal Data disclosed to Third Parties, our Website, and the TwoRocks OÜ company informs the users of the following:




As a user of the Website services, you have the following rights:


  1. You have the indefinite right to direct access to your personal data. You can have a precise personal data presentation upon request to the Website administration team.
  2. b. As a website user, you have the right to correct any mistakes of the database concerning your personal information. That provision is valid for as many years as the Website would keep records of your data.
  3. If you decide so, you can ask the Website to erase all data that you think are not accurate or for any given reason should not be included in the Website data list and refer to yourself as a user.
  4. You also retain the right to ask the administration team to stop processing your data without presenting any reason. If you think that your data have been sensitive, you can request to ban you from any future data collection our Website will run through the market.
  5. e. Every Website user that has shared personal information and data with us is entitled to a concise and easy data presentation from the company. You may also ask the administrator team to transmit that data to any third-party you think is suitable.
  6. You also have the right to a direct objection to personal data processing in case of litigation or other disputes. Your personal data could be erased from the Website database permanently without a chance to restore them in the future.


You can have a piece of further information about the provisions of the EU GDPR law in the following URL:

In case you live in Britain after Brexit, you can also check the local GDPR laws in the following URL:  Guidance from the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on individuals’ rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.




Our Website has a separate form where you can share your complaints and inquiries about your personal data retained in our database. You also have the right to call or email any administration person and ask him/her about the processing of your data and how much is the average time it takes the Website to address such issues. In case no one from the Website is reachable, TwoRocks OÜ accepts no further responsibility for the access of your personal data.




The Website keeps all users’ personal data secure from third-parties and external threats like hackers’ attacks. We keep the users’ data in separate hard discs that are in servers that are not online on the same area as the Website domain. Our personnel has restricted access to the data of each user. A GDPR committee changes each year and is the keyholder of the codes for the users’ personal data. You can ask for more information about the secure handling of your data as a user by writing to this email: [email protected]




The Website keeps all users’ data safe until a big international or local threat comes on. According to the National Esthonian Law and the EU Legislation, the Website is obliged to give all necessary personal data from its users when a national threat or a judicial investigation occurs.


You cannot access your personal data in case of a terrorist attack or another invasion that creates panic and a national emergency in Esthonia. The Website can offer Interpol, Europol, and other Law Enforcement Authorities with the users’ data at any time they think it is appropriate.




As the Website administrators, we shall ask you about your:

  • Official name and surname.
  • Email address.
  • Home Address.
  • Work Address.
  • Phone and Mobile Phone number.
  • Social Media Accounts.
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Ethnic Background
  • Religious Background
  • Marital Status
  • Educational Level
  • Family Information
  • Health History
  • Criminal Record

That is the type of data the Website could use and ask for its members and users. Even though it is an exhaustive list, it is not exhaustive, and the company can add any other type of personal data it feels applicable without any prior notice to the users.


By entering the Website, you accept our GDPR Policy the way it is expressed here, as well as all the provisions and exclusions listed. The custodian of records in our company can get disclosed upon request from our website’s members or users.


Any dispute or complaint about using data under the GDPR law doesn’t affect the TwoRocks OÜ company. The Website is liable under the Esthonian Law for any dispute and claims to work full-hearted to provide any help to members seeking their data information.